Letting God Direct the Agenda of Your Home Business

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When I start my days and weeks I can look at the list of clients and projects lined up alongside the list of school activities, laundry, cleaning, bedtime stories, and bath nights and simply feel overwhelmed. I want to make long check lists, and spreadsheets so I have a fool proof way of making sure I don’t lose track of anything.

In my own desire to control the outcomes anxiety rises quickly.

Can I step back to let God direct the steps of my business?

 God says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.” (Psalm 37:23)

I’ve learned to plan out a schedule for the coming week over the weekend. I make a spreadsheet of the work that I can realistically accomplish in the coming week. Along side each client is the date their project needs to be completed by. I refer to this daily, pinpointing what I would like to accomplish that day to reach my weekly goal. But I’ve learned to hold the schedule lightly and hold tight to God.

I must hold my agenda with an open hand, “Here are my plans Lord, direct my steps so that I can diligently serve my clients and my family for Your glory.”

There are times when the kids are needy, or when the time I had blocked out for work gets interrupted by a friend in need of prayer or a client who stays long past their fitting just because they need to talk. My tendency is to get impatient because I know the clock is ticking and I am not getting anything done, but my Dad taught me well, that people are more important than projects.

[bctt tweet=”People are more important than projects” username=”NaomiFata”]

Personal Reflection

In what ways do you struggle with interruptions to your schedule?

Prayer of surrender:

Father, thank You for all that you have entrusted me with. I cannot do this day or this week on my own. I ask You to order my steps today, to accomplish what needs to be accomplished and to listen to those who need to be listened to. Thank you that I can trust You with my agenda for today. Amen.

It is true that God has given you a responsibility to steward your time, families, and business but remember it isn’t all up to you.

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