Finding Freedom from the supermom mindset

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christian home business success is available when you find joy in your work

Sometimes I pressure myself more than anyone else with my expectations of running a perfect business with a sparkling clean home. But more often than not it doesn’t work that way.
I have priorities and things that I want to get done but there are days when I don’t check much off the list.

When this happens the negative self-talk can be unbearable.

  • “You are not doing a good job.”
  • “You just need to stay more focused”
  • “If you would just organize the way you planned to.”

[bctt tweet=”But what if God doesn’t expect us to be perfect?” username=”NaomiFata”]
What if He doesn’t want you to be just like the mom next door or the mom you see on Instagram with picture perfect crafts and a sparkling clean laundry room?

christian home business

Instead God wants you to be you.

To use your gifts and talents for His glory.

Looking for some unique ideas on how to incorporate sewing into your homeschool?

Rather than focusing on who you aren’t and what you don’t do well can you embrace the things that make you thrive, that feed your soul and give you joy?

[bctt tweet=” Embrace the things that make you thrive, that feed your soul and give you joy.” username=”NaomiFata”]

Over the past few years I have been working on this though I have a long way to go. I used to try to bake birthday cakes from scratch with homemade icing and now I settle for a box mix with a jar of frosting.

do it yourself birthday cake laminate

Then rather than trying to form perfect letters on a cake I simple find a picture online of something my child is interested in that year (peppa pig, dora, or spiderman). I add text to the image, print and laminate. (If you don’t have a laminator I would highly recommend getting on – they come in handy for so many things) Then all I must do is stick it to the top of the cake with a few sprinkles.

I used to think that to be that perfect mom I needed to make a cake from scratch. But I don’t. I’m not good at it and that’s ok.
What are you trying to do that God hasn’t called you to do?
In what ways are you comparing yourself to others? God loves you and He created you just the way you are!

 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Before you go download these encouraging weekly planner pages that I keep on my fridge. 

If you were encouraged by this devotional you might be blessed by others that I have posted recently.

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These are some of my favorite devotionals right now.

This post is part of several link ups: #HeartEncouragement and #FreshMarketFriday

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