Choosing Joy in the in Between

Life is a constant living in between. It’s rarely perfect or without struggle.

When building my business I struggled to find time to work between the infant feedings and sleep time. I looked forward to the day when I would have a steady enough client base to hit my other job. I dreamed of the day when the season of motherhood would be less demanding. But here I am years later and am still living in the in between. It’s just that I’m in between different things now. I quit my day job years ago. I no longer have infants but still the days are not easy and other pressures have come up.

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So what then?

To live in the present I don’t want to be always longing for a different future.

James 1:2 says “when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.”

The challenge or troubles of today are an opportunity for joy.

In Dr Caroline Leafs new book Think, Learn, Succeed she write how the brain works better when we choose to feel happy in the challenge. Rather than focusing on our fear of a negative outcome (which fills you with toxic energy) use the mental energy to focus on a positive outcome. (P74)

That positive outcome is what James writes about in the next few verses. “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:3-4

Rather than focusing on where I want to be in business and other things I need to focus on God’s desired outcome for me. His desire is that my character become Christlike, able to endure for the long haul. Because everything I go through in on earth is in preparation for the eternal work that He has for me.

What about you? Are you struggling with the changing seasons of motherhood and business? Wondering when it will get easier?

Dear friend, remember He isn’t done with you yet. He is shaping His character in You and will fulfill His good purposes in Your life.


Thank You Father for these changing seasons. I embrace them as an opportunity to choose joy, knowing that as I yield to You in these times You are shaping Your character in me. Amen

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